5th trip

About Various Topics

How Modern Children Communicate.

It’s very rare to see chil­dren of the same age as Mark, walk­ing alone on the street. Kids are dropped off at school an hour before class­es, and they inter­act. They also social­ize when they are picked up after school. They sit under the awning right on the grass, wait­ing for their par­ents, and engage in their inter­est groups. He social­izes with friends dur­ing prac­tices. Friends invite each oth­er to birth­day par­ties, not only those he is cur­rent­ly study­ing with but also those he stud­ied with in pre­vi­ous grades. Recent­ly, a boy from a par­al­lel class had a birth­day par­ty at home by the pool. Invi­ta­tions were sent out for a “Fun Pool Birth­day” with the time spec­i­fied from 12 to 3 PM. Amer­i­cans, even adults, always indi­cate the start and end times for a par­ty, and no one lingers after that time; it’s good man­ners to leave half an hour before the des­ig­nat­ed time.

About Gifts

I have long been giv­ing Mark mon­ey as gifts. He knows how to spend it. It’s very com­mon here to give gift cards with a set amount of mon­ey. Stores sell cards either with fixed amounts of var­i­ous val­ues or you can load any amount at the reg­is­ter. These cards can be used to pay for pur­chas­es in a spe­cif­ic store. Visa cards are also sold, onto which any amount can be loaded and they can be used to pay for pur­chas­es at any store. How­ev­er, when you load mon­ey onto such a card at the reg­is­ter, you have to pay an addi­tion­al $3 to $5 for acti­va­tion. It’s very con­ve­nient. All his class­mates give each oth­er such cards. I won­der if gift card sys­tems are com­mon in Rus­sia now?


My gar­den­ing is most­ly for leisure. The pep­per bush­es have grown very tall, they’re bloom­ing, but there are almost no pep­pers or they’re very small — about the size of a wal­nut. Maybe they didn’t set fruit in the sum­mer due to the intense heat, or per­haps I just need to plant new ones every year (these bush­es are from last year), or maybe it will get cool­er now and they will start to bear fruit. The exper­i­ment con­tin­ues. The egg­plants are grow­ing slow­ly; I gath­er 3 to 5 small ones almost every week.

About Leisure

I hard­ly watch tele­vi­sion here. When the foot­ball cham­pi­onship end­ed, we decid­ed not to pay for Tivite­ka — the chan­nel through which we watched Russ­ian tele­vi­sion. In the evenings, the whole fam­i­ly some­times watch­es the series “Fresh off the Boat”, which con­sists of indi­vid­ual episodes. It trans­lates as “Recent­ly Arrived.” It’s about a Chi­nese fam­i­ly that emi­grat­ed to Amer­i­ca. It’s inter­est­ing to draw par­al­lels between the ways dif­fer­ent nation­al­i­ties adapt to anoth­er coun­try. But I think it would be unin­ter­est­ing for a Russ­ian audi­ence, so it prob­a­bly won’t be purchased.

Right now, I’m writ­ing while my daugh­ter took Mark to prac­tice. She just mes­saged me on What­sApp that near the entrance a small Rat­tlesnake is slith­er­ing in the park­ing lot. The club staff called the fire depart­ment, and a staff mem­ber is stand­ing guard­ing it so that no one runs over it. They call the fire depart­ment for any rea­son, even for first aid, to catch snakes, and to put out fires. They’ll catch the snake and release it in the desert.