4th trip

Transfer to the Neptune Club

On Sat­ur­day and Sun­day we spent two days in swim­ming com­pe­ti­tions. Marik per­formed well, sig­nif­i­cant­ly improved his time in all his dis­tances. 50 meters on the back, he com­plet­ed the region­al stan­dard for chil­dren in the age group of 10 years and younger, and in some events 1 – 2 sec­onds were not enough to reach the stan­dards. But in swim­ming, the stan­dards are set up to tenths of a sec­ond. So, there is more to go. His par­ents trans­ferred him to anoth­er swim­ming club, and the results imme­di­ate­ly improved dra­mat­i­cal­ly. This club also belongs to USA Swim­ming, but one of the pools where the team trains is much clos­er to home, and the trip takes much less time. Since the team rents a swim­ming pool in a large sports com­plex, it is pos­si­ble for par­ents to become mem­bers of it and attend var­i­ous sports train­ings while the child swims. Levi used to sit in the shade in the fifty-degree heat, but now he swims him­self, and Valya goes to class­es in the gym.


With the onset of cool­ness, the sea­son of swim­ming com­pe­ti­tions began, in which var­i­ous swim­ming clubs par­tic­i­pate. Meats (com­pe­ti­tions) are orga­nized almost every two weeks. This Sat­ur­day and Sun­day we again spent two days at the com­pe­ti­tion. Mark had six heats and he improved his time again in a heat where he already had a region­al stan­dard and got even clos­er to meet­ing the stan­dards in the rest of the heats.

I real­ly enjoy attend­ing these com­pe­ti­tions. How much enthu­si­asm is there for par­ents whose chil­dren swim. All chil­dren’s sports are based on their enthu­si­asm and, of course, on mon­e­tary costs, because every dis­tance a child enters is paid by the par­ents. And many swim with two or three chil­dren. Addi­tion­al­ly, each par­ent must vol­un­teer a cer­tain num­ber of hours per year when the club in which their child swims holds a com­pe­ti­tion (i.e. work the nec­es­sary hours for free, deter­mined by the num­ber of swim­ming chil­dren, by a timer (to time the swim­mers) or choose anoth­er option to help the team from the list). If you don’t want to vol­un­teer or can’t for some rea­son, may pay a fee. It’s good that Levi ful­ly took on this respon­si­bil­i­ty. Pre­vi­ous­ly, he was a swim­mer and went swim­ming in our Ros­tov School of Olympic Reserve, and here he passed the exam for an adver­tis­er (ie, for a turn judge). Now, when the club holds com­pe­ti­tions, he vol­un­teers as a referee.

After spend­ing all the days off at the com­pe­ti­tions, on Mon­day I had to deal with house­hold chores. Yes, I’m here han­dling the house and try­ing to help them and be use­ful. I try to cook some­thing in the morn­ing while every­one is at work, and it doesn’t both­er me at all. On the con­trary, time pass­es faster. The main thing is that you don’t have to car­ry food on your­self from stores, every­thing will be bought and brought.