3rd trip

Tennis camp

Our stu­dents have already grad­u­at­ed. My Daugh­ter passed all the tests and tests by May 10, but already for the sum­mer she took anoth­er sub­ject online. You can study here all year round and at any age — the main thing is to pay mon­ey. She fin­ished well, with all A’s and only one B, i.e. a B in math, and that’s because the test took place at the time of the move, and not enough there was time to prepare.

Mark grad­u­at­ed from school a week ago with a 90% GPA. Now we have made a dai­ly rou­tine again, we live accord­ing to the sched­ule, and I make sure that he does­n’t spend all my time watch­ing TV and play­ing com­put­er games. This week he was enrolled in a ten­nis camp. Here, where we live, there are two sports and enter­tain­ment com­plex­es in the community.

A com­mu­ni­ty is like a microdis­trict, but with one-sto­ry and two-sto­ry houses.

A com­mu­ni­ty is like a microdis­trict, but with one-sto­ry and two-sto­ry hous­es. One sports com­plex is a 20-minute walk, and the sec­ond, the near­est one, is a 10-minute walk. Each com­plex includes two ten­nis courts, a pool with a jacuzzi and a small pad­dling pool for very young chil­dren, bas­ket­ball and chil­dren’s play­grounds, gaze­bos with a grill and a small park area. The far com­plex also has two vol­ley­ball courts, and the pool there is big­ger and deep­er. Swim­ming pools and ten­nis courts are fenced in, and two key cards are issued for each house in the com­mu­ni­ty.

Here, at these sports com­plex­es, camps are orga­nized for the sum­mer. There is a swim­ming camp on the far com­plex, and a ten­nis camp on the near one from 7:30 to 11:00 in the morn­ing. Swim­ming with the grand­son and so four times a week in the club, but they decid­ed to take him to ten­nis. He real­ly likes it. First they train, and then they are giv­en half an hour to indulge in the pool. They also arrange a snack there — cook­ies, juice, ice cream.

By eleven o’clock I come up and pick him up. All this fun costs $215 a week. If you count on hours, then an hour les­son with a train­er also costs from $10 to $15. The rest of the time, all this can be used for free. In addi­tion, there are a lot of sports clubs in Scotts­dale with gyms, swim­ming pools, but you already buy a mem­ber­ship there and go.

Near our house there is a small plaza where there is a café, a pizze­ria, a chil­dren’s ice cream par­lor, a kinder­garten, a hair­dresser’s and some oth­er small estab­lish­ments, but there are no shops. It takes 5 – 10 min­utes to get gro­ceries by car.

Still very close to us are two schools — ele­men­tary school and mid­dle school. In Amer­i­ca, in gen­er­al, schools are divid­ed into three lev­els: ele­men­tary, mid­dle, and there is also a high school, and it is very rare that they are all in the same build­ing. The ter­ri­to­ry of these two schools is equipped with sta­di­ums with stands, foot­ball and base­ball fields, bas­ket­ball courts. My grand­son and I go there to play bas­ket­ball and ride a bike. There is a large pub­lic library near the schools where we bor­row books.