

6th trip

How I Worked

At the very begin­ning, when I arrived here, I felt like I had a lot of free time. Mark was at school, every­one was at work. I decid­ed to try to find a part-time job, espe­cial­ly since my Green Card now allows me to do so.

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6th trip


Pho­tos about the caprices of the local weath­er. This win­ter has been cold (by Ari­zona stan­dards). At the end of Feb­ru­ary, on the 21st, it even snowed. How­ev­er, it didn’t snow every­where. In our part of the city, there was no snow; it only lay on the moun­tain tops.

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4th trip

Fishing (continuation of Woods Canyon Lake)

To the lake is a dif­fi­cult and steep descent along a for­est road cov­ered with rub­ble. But in its vicin­i­ty, in des­ig­nat­ed areas, camp­sites with tents and trail­ers were still locat­ed. Tent camp­sites were sur­round­ed by wire grat­ing (vis­i­ble from wild ani­mals) and food near some tents was hung from trees in bags.

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4th trip

Woods Canyon Lake

This place is famous for a large num­ber of pic­turesque canyons cov­ered with pine forests and a large num­ber of lakes. Hunt­ing and mush­room pick­ing are allowed in the forests, camp­ing sites are equipped.

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4th trip


The grand­son grad­u­at­ed from third grade and we attend­ed the grad­u­a­tion, which took place in the build­ing of the music muse­um. It was car­ried out sep­a­rate­ly by class, first for Kinder­garten, and then for the upper grades of pri­ma­ry school.

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4th trip

Peaches farm

Fifty years ago, the Schnepf fam­i­ly plant­ed the first peach trees in the desert; ini­tial­ly, they sold the pro­duce at a road­side stand, and after five years, peo­ple start­ed com­ing to pick peach­es themselves.

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4th trip

Page, first part

This year we decid­ed to vis­it Page. This is a small town but it lies at the inter­sec­tion of many tourist routes and there­fore is very pop­u­lar des­ti­na­tion for tourists from all over the world.

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4th trip

Page, first part

This year we decid­ed to vis­it Page. This is a small town but it lies at the inter­sec­tion of many tourist routes and there­fore is very pop­u­lar des­ti­na­tion for tourists from all over the world.

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