3rd trip

Cleaning pods

It is very hot here, it was a week up to 47 degrees, and now 42 – 45 is already eas­i­er. We go ear­ly in the morn­ing with my grand­son to the pool, we return at 9 o’clock, and already 39 degrees. But late­ly, before work, Valya takes us there, and we go back our­selves. At home, the tem­per­a­ture is nor­mal, because the air con­di­tion­er works day and night, but the elec­tric­i­ty bill is $ 200. We only open win­dows for one hour ear­ly in the morning.


After the pool, one of the com­pul­so­ry class­es we have: an hour of read­ing in Eng­lish, half an hour in Russ­ian, half an hour of math­e­mat­ics (oth­er­wise he will for­get the mul­ti­pli­ca­tion table over the sum­mer) and half an hour I teach him to write in Russ­ian in cap­i­tal let­ters. If you do not arrange com­pul­so­ry class­es, then can sit all the time watch­ing TV or play­ing com­put­er games. He reads Eng­lish books very quick­ly. At first I even thought that he did not read them, but you ask ques­tions, it seems, he answers. Or are their words short­er than ours? She brought with her a bunch of our chil­dren’s books, on which we our­selves and our chil­dren grew up, and they are unin­ter­est­ing and incom­pre­hen­si­ble to him. He con­stant­ly asks ques­tions about what a “hut” is, what a “trough” is, etc.

Once, ear­ly in the morn­ing, we col­lect with him the pods from the tree in front of the house. Under the tree, the lawn is in small peb­bles and there is no way to sweep the pods, only to col­lect them. He says to me: “Come on, grand­ma, col­lect pods from oth­er peo­ple for mon­ey. Let them pay us $10, and we will col­lect.” I told that: I don’t agree in such heat for $10, only for $100. He was delight­ed — 50 for you, grand­moth­er, and 50 for me. And then he got car­ried away: “We’ll buy a mini­van, you’ll learn how to dri­ve it, write “CLEANING PODS” and we’ll earn mon­ey”. He was car­ried so much that he stopped work­ing, but only held a meet­ing. Then I say: “We will divide the mon­ey depend­ing on the amount col­lect­ed.” He did­n’t like this idea, because his bag was com­plete­ly at the bot­tom, and he says to me: “I don’t agree. This is my project”. Project is the favorite word here. They will make some­thing out of paper, but they will call it out loud — a project to build something …

It rained heav­i­ly tonight with ter­ri­ble light­ning. Water poured in a stream. We thought it would pour into our house, because, as I already wrote, there is no foun­da­tion. But noth­ing, every­thing worked out, and in the morn­ing there was no trace of rain, only high humid­i­ty, 45%.