4th trip

Metallica’s concert

And on the 4th of August, in the evening, my grand­son and I let mom and dad go to the Metal­li­ca con­cert. The con­cert was held at a base­ball sta­di­um with fifty thou­sand spec­ta­tors. They bought tick­ets before my arrival.

It took them half an hour just to park. Only one plas­tic bot­tle of water was allowed to have per per­son, in man­u­fac­tur­er’s pack­ag­ing. But beer was sold in unlim­it­ed quan­ti­ties. The audi­ence was like from a prison, all in tat­toos. In addi­tion to Metal­li­ca, two bands were at the open­ing act. As the chil­dren told me, they arrived in Phoenix with a new album in the mid­dle of their tour of Amer­i­ca and the world after a rather long break. The pre­vi­ous album was record­ed in 2008. Of course, live per­for­mances have their own spe­cial mag­net­ism, but, in my opin­ion, it’s much calmer to lis­ten to music at home :))) The music rat­tled so that the next day my daugh­ter’s ears were buzzing until evening.

But they real­ly liked it. I am always afraid of such events and I was very wor­ried about them. But they did a great job, did­n’t drink any­thing at all, and left 10 min­utes before the end of the con­cert. The son-in-law, how­ev­er, was a lit­tle unhap­py that they left ear­li­er, but they calm­ly arrived at twelve o’clock in the morn­ing. I can’t imag­ine how this audi­ence, excit­ed by beer and music, dispersed.