6th trip

Junior Olympics Championship in Tucson

The time has come when con­ver­sa­tions revolve around grand­chil­dren and plants. It’s good that it’s not about ail­ments, although those seem to increase with age. And now, I want to boast about my grand­son. From July 12 to 14, we were in Tuc­son for swim­ming competitions.

Tuc­son is a half-mil­lion city in south­ern Ari­zona (large by Amer­i­can stan­dards). It is locat­ed 108 miles (174 km) from Phoenix and 60 miles (97 km) from the Mex­i­can bor­der. It was acquired from Mex­i­co in 1854 and tem­porar­i­ly served as the cap­i­tal of the Con­fed­er­ate Ter­ri­to­ry of Ari­zona. The first uni­ver­si­ty in Ari­zona was found­ed in Tuc­son, and it has grown from 32 stu­dents to 45,000. The uni­ver­si­ty con­ducts exten­sive research in astron­o­my, par­tic­i­pates in the cre­ation of the most mod­ern tele­scope in the world, “Mag­el­lan”, which is planned to be installed in the Chilean Andes in 2021 and will be ten times more pow­er­ful than the Hub­ble Space Telescope.

For chil­dren under 15 years old, the Ari­zona Junior Olympics in Swim­ming took place in Tuc­son from July 12 to 14, and the State Cham­pi­onship was held from July 18 to 21. These com­pe­ti­tions took place in a 50-meter pool. There are many swim­ming com­pe­ti­tions in the USA, but in win­ter they are held in “short course” (i.e., the length of the lanes is 25 yards), and in the sum­mer, start­ing from May, they are held in “long course.”

In the end, he received six gold medals, two sil­ver, and two bronze medals.

For pools with dif­fer­ent lane lengths, the swim­ming stan­dards also dif­fer. There are region­al (Region­al) and state (State) stan­dards divid­ed by age and distance/​style of swim­ming. For the State Cham­pi­onship, you could apply for a dis­tance with an accom­plished state stan­dard. By that time, Marik had only two “states” — 100 yards but­ter­fly and 200 yards IM (indi­vid­ual med­ley), and we decid­ed to go for the Junior Olympics.

At the Junior Olympics, you could swim no more than 9 dis­tances. Mark man­aged to swim three each day, plus his coach put him in two relays. He per­formed very well and met the state stan­dards (State) for the age group “ten years and younger.” In the end, he received six gold medals (includ­ing two golds for relays), two sil­ver and two bronze medals. How­ev­er, in the 100 meters breast­stroke, even though he met the state stan­dard, he only placed fifth and received a rib­bon for it. Before the com­pe­ti­tion trip, we planned to do some cul­tur­al activ­i­ties: vis­it a muse­um, check out the obser­va­to­ries, of which there are three at the uni­ver­si­ty. But after a whole day sit­ting in 42-degree heat, we lacked the ener­gy for any cul­tur­al events. Only one evening it rained, and we went for a walk in the part of the city where our hotel was located.

After the child met the state stan­dards in his age group, the oppor­tu­ni­ty arose to par­tic­i­pate in the State Cham­pi­onship, and the prob­lem “to go or not to go” arose for the par­ents. After lengthy dis­cus­sions, we decid­ed to sign up for the com­pe­ti­tion, and with­in a week, we set off for Tuc­son again.

The com­pe­ti­tions were held in the same pool, under the same 42-degree heat, but with a greater num­ber of par­tic­i­pants and pre­lim­i­nary qual­i­fy­ing heats. Over four days of com­pe­ti­tion, 106 heats need­ed to be con­duct­ed. The chil­dren came from all over the state and were very strong. Although only one per­son could reg­is­ter for six events, this num­ber could increase with the inclu­sion of pre­lim­i­nary heats and relays.

In these com­pe­ti­tions, Mark didn’t win any medals, but he improved his time in some dis­tances. And most impor­tant­ly, he met the region­al stan­dards for the next age group of 11 – 12 years. After all, he turns 11 in August and will move up to anoth­er age group, and the com­pe­ti­tion with him­self for meet­ing dif­fer­ent stan­dards will begin again.

In a cou­ple of weeks, Mark will start school. I want­ed to go home right away, but tick­ets for the entire month of August are very expen­sive, so we will have to wait until mid-September.