7th trip

I flew back in Russia

Before the flight, it was nec­es­sary to take a PCR test for coro­n­avirus, and receive a neg­a­tive result of the COVID-19 test no ear­li­er than three days before. In the USA, this test can be done for free at any phar­ma­cy, but the time to get the result varies every­where. It was nec­es­sary to make an appoint­ment for a spe­cif­ic time. To be safe, I took the test at two phar­ma­cies. At both phar­ma­cies, the test was done with­out leav­ing the car. Peo­ple dri­ve up to the win­dow, pro­vide their details, and receive a signed test tube. The per­son then takes a sam­ple from their nose, puts the swab back into the test tube, and places the test tube into a spe­cial box.

One test result arrived the next day, while the sec­ond one came when I was already in Russia.

At the air­port, whether for domes­tic or inter­na­tion­al flights, no one asked for the cer­tifi­cate, but in both air­ports, a mask man­date was in place.

On the plane, every­one wore pro­tec­tive masks and only removed them dur­ing meals. Masks were col­lect­ed every three hours.

I flew with Aeroflot. On the plane, every­one wore pro­tec­tive masks and only removed them dur­ing meals. Masks were col­lect­ed every three hours. Those with­out their own masks were giv­en new ones. Walk­ing dur­ing the flight was not rec­om­mend­ed. Every­one stayed in their seats, main­ly with an emp­ty seat between them. The tick­ets were very expen­sive, prob­a­bly because the emp­ty seats were includ­ed in the tick­et price. 🙁

At the end of the flight, we were asked to fill out a med­ical dec­la­ra­tion, which includ­ed per­son­al details, trav­el itin­er­ary, flight num­ber, seat num­ber, and infor­ma­tion about when, where, and with which vac­cine we were vac­ci­nat­ed. The dec­la­ra­tion stat­ed that unvac­ci­nat­ed pas­sen­gers must take a test with­in three days, while those who are vac­ci­nat­ed should reg­is­ter their vac­ci­na­tion on the Gosus­lu­gi por­tal. It also men­tioned that all pas­sen­gers must observe a two-week quar­an­tine upon arrival.

Upon arriv­ing home, I tried to enter my vac­ci­na­tion details on Gosus­lu­gi (gov­ern­ment web­site which helps to get offi­cial doc­u­ments like pass­port and more), but I was unable to. For­tu­nate­ly, every­thing turned out fine.