1st trip

Part two, Las Vegas and so on…

Wedding Anniversary and Halloween.

This is already the third week of my stay, but it seems to be I quite recent­ly arrived. The first week we went to Las Vegas for three days, right after my arrival.

hotel Paris Las Vegas

We stayed at the hotel “Paris” and there we cel­e­brat­ed ten years of my chil­dren’s wed­ding anniver­sary in the restau­rant. Hal­loween also hap­pened on the same day. I looked at how Amer­i­ca cel­e­brates this day. On the main street of the city some­thing incred­i­ble was hap­pen­ing. Crowds of peo­ple in cos­tumes walked the streets, on the first floors of each hotel there were gam­ing tables, slot machines. Entrance is free for every­one except chil­dren. Las Vegas in the evening is not a city for children.

On the way back from Las Vegas to Ari­zona we drove through the Hoover Dam. This is a hydro­elec­tric pow­er plant built on the Col­orado Riv­er in Black Canyon. This unique struc­ture was built back in 1931 dur­ing the Great Depres­sion, and the con­struc­tion of this dam served in its time to cre­ate jobs and reduce unem­ploy­ment in the region.

About weather.

As I wrote already, my chil­dren live in the state of Ari­zona, in an apart­ment. Arriv­ing from my autumn weath­er, I got into a great sum­mer cli­mate. The tem­per­a­ture in the first days was 36 – 38 C and this is the end of Octo­ber, but there was no such exhaust­ing heat as we have dur­ing the sum­mer in our south. prob­a­bly because of much more dry air. It is now the mid­dle of Novem­ber and it has become much cool­er. It is 15 – 22 degrees in the morn­ing, and at 4 o’clock in the after­noon the tem­per­a­ture becomes 29 – 30 degrees when my chil­dren return from work and my grand­son is picked up from school. Many wealthy grand­par­ents come to Ari­zona for the win­ter. In the sum­mer they live where it is not hot, and dur­ing the warm Ari­zona win­ter they rent here.
Despite such a tem­per­a­ture, I have nev­er had a chance to swim in the apart­ment com­plex pool. At first I did not have a swim­suit, and then my grand­son got sick, the pool had to be post­poned, but I still do not lose hope. They say this weath­er hap­pens here almost until Thanks­giv­ing (it is the last Thurs­day in November).

About shopping and stores.

We ordered a bathing suit online. This was new for me. My daugh­ter ordered three dif­fer­ent styles and sizes for me at once. The par­cel arrived three days lat­er, and there was also a bonus for free panties for $ 10, because. we have a big order. Of the swim­suits, one approached me, and we calm­ly hand­ed over the rest at the Vic­to­ri­a’s Secret store, where we received bonus panties.

On Sun­day, my daugh­ter gave me a shop­ping spree. We drove to the cen­ter of their area, where there are a lot of shops. We went to Ross, where she works. This is a whole chain of stores across Amer­i­ca and it has a dis­count, like an employ­ee. A large store like our O’Key, only man­u­fac­tured goods. Shop­pers dri­ve around with big carts and pick up loads of stuff. Then they go to the fit­ting room of the store, they are giv­en a num­ber accord­ing to the num­ber of things. The fit­ting room is a whole room where every­thing is tried on, and then you go out and give what didn’t fit, and what did, you pick it up and go to pay, only the total num­ber of things is checked. They take a bunch of things, but, how­ev­er, peo­ple often come to the check­out and return pur­chas­es. Accept­ed with­out any com­pli­ca­tions and with a smile.

Struck by anoth­er big shoe store. Entire rows of shoes and between the rows are box­es with dis­pos­able free stock­ings. They, of course, are torn after one or two fit­tings, but take them in unlim­it­ed quan­ti­ties. Gro­cery stores are also very large, it’s sur­pris­ing — is it real­ly all eat­en. Of course, there is a lot, as my daugh­ter says, of “any trash” that my chil­dren do not buy..