7th trip

Visit to Utah (Part 2)

Olympic Park

On that day, we decid­ed to skip the first few class­es and head to the Olympic Park. In 2002, the XIX Win­ter Olympic Games took place in Salt Lake City, with some sports events held in Park City. An Olympic Park was estab­lished here, fea­tur­ing ski slopes, ski jumps, and a bob­sled track.

Even now, in sum­mer, ath­letes are train­ing in the park. Dressed in their full ski­ing gear, they per­form flips and land in a pool or on an inflat­able tram­po­line. Cyclists ride down the moun­tain slopes. Addi­tion­al­ly, they have cre­at­ed a theme park for vis­i­tors in this area. From the ski jumps, you can zip down on a “zip line,” ride small sum­mer sleds on a track resem­bling a bob­sled run, or slide down on an inflat­able boat from the jump. Instead of grand­stands, a climb­ing play­ground has been built for children.

Our vis­it to the park was­n’t with­out a lit­tle adven­ture. No per­son­al items (bags, keys, etc.) are allowed on the rides. Mark, of course, put his phone in his pock­et and lost it while rid­ing the boat. The boats used by vis­i­tors are washed, loaded into a vehi­cle, and then tak­en back up for new vis­i­tors. For­tu­nate­ly, we quick­ly start­ed search­ing for the phone, and Valya had her phone’s “parental con­trol” fea­ture acti­vat­ed. With its help, they quick­ly found Mark’s phone in one of the boats, which was already in the vehi­cle and ready for pro­cess­ing and send­ing back up the mountain.

August 28, Friday

In the evening, after Mark’s class­es, we took a trip to Soli­tude Moun­tain Resort. This ski resort has 50% of its trails known for easy and inter­me­di­ate slopes. We took a short­cut, but it turned out to be quite dif­fi­cult. The road wound up the moun­tains, was nar­row and wind­ing. The scenery was breath­tak­ing, sur­round­ed by tall conif­er­ous forests, but there was no time to enjoy it, as steep cliffs bor­dered the road on both sides. Addi­tion­al­ly, occa­sion­al­ly, oncom­ing cars appeared on the nar­row road. By the time we arrived, our spir­its were damp­ened, and we couldn’t ful­ly appre­ci­ate the beauty.

On the way back, we decid­ed to take a dif­fer­ent route, which was longer but less dan­ger­ous. We did­n’t regret it, as the views were stun­ning. The red cliffs of the canyon we trav­eled through were cov­ered with beau­ti­ful forests, and we encoun­tered streams and water­falls along the way. There were many park­ing areas where tourists arrived, unloaded, and set off on foot into the moun­tains or rode bikes. It was Fri­day, and it was clear that many peo­ple in the state pre­fer this kind of out­door recreation.