6th trip


Pho­tos about the caprices of the local weath­er. This win­ter has been cold (by Ari­zona stan­dards). At the end of Feb­ru­ary, on the 21st, it even snowed. How­ev­er, it didn’t snow every­where. In our part of the city, there was no snow; it only lay on the moun­tain tops, near our house. But in those parts of the city that were on the heights and to the north, there was real snow and the moun­tains were cov­ered with snow.

From Feb­ru­ary 22 to 24, Mark had swim­ming com­pe­ti­tions. The pools here are out­doors, and although the water is heat­ed in win­ter, jump­ing in and get­ting out of it is not very pleas­ant at tem­per­a­tures of 10 to 12 degrees. Par­ents sat in jack­ets and boots, while the chil­dren walked bare­foot on the wet and cold concrete.