2nd trip


Three weeks of my stay have already passed. Last week, on week­ends, four of us went “hik­ing” ear­ly in the morn­ing to Cave Creek Park, but I already wrote about this park on my last trip. We tried to go along a new route, how­ev­er, we did not go very much, as it became very hot.

tennis lesson

We had to return to the begin­ning of our jour­ney under the cov­ered rama­da, where we grilled sausages and had a pic­nic in nature. These ramadas are made of con­crete and blown from all sides, so it was cool. Now the air tem­per­a­ture is about the same as in the hottest time in Ros­tov, but all my chil­dren’s friends scare me that it’s not hot yet, but the heat is yet to come.

At the end of May, school hol­i­days began, and on week­days my grand­son and I stay at home. We made a sched­ule with him. From 7:30 to 9:00 in the morn­ing we have a walk, because at oth­er times it is hot and you can get very burned in the sun. We put on sun block (sun­screen) and go swim­ming in the pool, play bad­minton, or ride a bike. We are also learn­ing the mul­ti­pli­ca­tion table and learn­ing to read in Russ­ian. I brought a n alpha­bet book, and he has already learned 23 let­ters, and already reads a lit­tle by syl­la­bles. I must say that he enjoys learn­ing to read, but only dur­ing the time allot­ted for this. It is not pos­si­ble to swap items in the sched­ule. This is already a pure­ly Amer­i­can trait — to fol­low the instruc­tions, but when play­ing on a com­put­er or watch­ing TV, you can miss the end of the game — this is already in Russ­ian. In the evening, when there are train­ings, we go to train­ings or swim­ming competitions.

Last week got scores from Basis. Grades are giv­en for five peri­ods, and then the aver­age mark for each sub­ject and the over­all aver­age score are dis­played. In gen­er­al, the grand­son fin­ished the year well: his over­all aver­age score was 87%, phys­i­cal edu­ca­tion let us down — 74%. Let me remind you that 90 – 100% is “A” (five); 80 to 90% is “B” (four); 70 to 80% is “C” (three). He had low per­cent­ages in the first peri­od, only phys­i­cal edu­ca­tion — 55%, but in the remain­ing peri­ods he received “A” and “B”, but the first peri­od reduced the final results. Now I will write you all the final grades from the report card to acquaint you with what sub­jects at school are stud­ied in the first grade and how they sound.

  • Con­nec­tions — 99%
  • Engi­neer­ing and Tech­nol­o­gy — 91%
  • Human­i­ties — 83%
  • Man­darin — 87%
  • Math­e­mat­ics and Sci­ence — 91%
  • Music — 88%
  • PE and Sports — 74%
  • Per­for­mance Arts — 93%
  • Project — 100%
  • Visu­al Arts — 100%

Along with the grades, we received a grad­u­a­tion pho­to. It is done not for a sep­a­rate class, but for the class­es of the entire school and is issued in the form of a book..

From the new school year, the child moves to anoth­er Basis school, which is just open­ing, but clos­er to their place of res­i­dence. The par­ents them­selves will car­ry and pick him up, and ear­li­er he went by bus, to the stop of which it was still nec­es­sary to go 30 min­utes by car.