5th trip

Massachusetts (completion)


The next day we had a tour of Boston. The city very much resem­bled Euro­pean cities with its sky­scrap­ers, parks, and green­ery. At times, it remind­ed me of Moscow or the cen­ter of Ros­tov, but it was dom­i­nat­ed by red brick build­ings. We vis­it­ed the cen­tral park and walked along a boule­vard that close­ly resem­bled our Pushkin Street. We also went to the Boston Pub­lic Library. It’s a very beau­ti­ful build­ing. I peeked into the read­ing room, and there were very few peo­ple read­ing books; most were using elec­tron­ic devices.

We vis­it­ed the pier and had lunch at a lit­tle restau­rant. Then we stopped by an Ital­ian pas­try shop. This is a famous place in Boston, sim­i­lar to our Gold­en Spike, and we bought tra­di­tion­al Boston Can­no­li pas­tries. How­ev­er, to be hon­est, I didn’t enjoy them much; I don’t like desserts with cheese or cot­tage cheese, and the cream in these pas­tries con­tains ricot­ta cheese.


The next day, Mark and I were return­ing to Ari­zona. But before head­ing to the air­port in the morn­ing, our group of women decid­ed to go mush­room pick­ing in a near­by for­est. My sister’s chil­dren were at school, the men were work­ing from home, and we went to the for­est not so much for the mush­rooms, but to enjoy the Mass­a­chu­setts nature.

When we arrived for our vis­it, the trees were still green, and in just a week, the decid­u­ous trees had start­ed dress­ing in gold­en and bright red attire. It was very beau­ti­ful. We wan­dered through the for­est, admired the numer­ous streams and lakes, col­lect­ed mush­rooms, and returned home.

At 3 PM, Lena’s hus­band drove us to the air­port and put us on the plane. Now I’m get­ting ready for my trip back home to Ros­tov. Soon, I’ll be fly­ing on a plane again.