7th trip

English Courses

I am often asked about my Eng­lish lev­el. And I reply that it’s not good. It’s even embar­rass­ing to admit. I stud­ied it in school, stud­ied a bit in col­lege, but I can’t speak or even under­stand Amer­i­cans well. Of course, it’s a prob­lem that I have no lan­guage prac­tice. We speak Russ­ian at home. Marik also has good spo­ken Russ­ian, in my opin­ion. He just doesn’t know how to write and read low­er­case let­ters, and we read Russ­ian books togeth­er dur­ing sum­mer vaca­tions. So, it’s eas­i­er for him to com­mu­ni­cate with me in Russ­ian. In 2018, I attend­ed an Eng­lish class at the library for a short time, but now, dur­ing the pan­dem­ic, the library is closed, and books are issued only by pre-order through a window.

We knew that in Ari­zona there is a free pro­gram for peo­ple who do not speak or speak Eng­lish poor­ly. This pro­gram is state-fund­ed and is aimed at pro­vid­ing lan­guage assis­tance to those with a res­i­dence per­mit. There­fore, when enrolling in these cours­es, one need­ed to pro­vide a dri­ver’s license and ID num­ber. A friend of Valya attend­ed these cours­es last year and told us about them. But sign­ing up for them was some­how not suc­cess­ful; we need­ed to find time to dri­ve me to the classes.

The pro­gram is called Burling­ton Eng­lish and was devel­oped at Burling­ton Uni­ver­si­ty in Vermont

In 2020, when the pan­dem­ic start­ed, we thought that they had closed just like the libraries. It turned out that they moved to online learn­ing. This form of learn­ing suit­ed us very well, but I had to appear in per­son the first time to take a test to deter­mine my lev­el of knowl­edge and to enroll me in the appro­pri­ate class. Valya signed up online. We were sched­uled to take the test on Mon­day the 25th, but there was heavy rain and even a small hail­storm, and Valya had a lot of work, so we resched­uled the test for Jan­u­ary 27.

We arrived by noon. Our tem­per­a­ture was mea­sured with a non-con­tact ther­mome­ter, all my data was record­ed, and Valya went to wait in the car while I took the test on the com­put­er. The test was dif­fi­cult. I had to lis­ten to a text and choose an answer from the options pro­vid­ed. I felt like I under­stood almost noth­ing the first time, and there was no option to replay it. Then I was giv­en anoth­er test, which turned out to be very easy for me.

I was placed at the High Begin­ner lev­el. They gave me access to the web­site where I need­ed to take the online learn­ing pro­gram, and pro­vid­ed me with the login and password.

The pro­gram is called Burling­ton Eng­lish and was devel­oped at Burling­ton Uni­ver­si­ty in Ver­mont. The pro­gram includes six lev­els:

  1. Basics — Basics of English
  2. Low Begin­ners — Low­er Begin­ner Level
  3. High Begin­ners — Upper Begin­ner Level
  4. Low Inter­me­di­ate — Low­er Inter­me­di­ate Level
  5. High Inter­me­di­ate — Upper Inter­me­di­ate Level
  6. Advanced — Advanced Level

Each lev­el includes ten top­ics with var­i­ous assign­ments on gram­mar, lis­ten­ing and under­stand­ing texts, gram­mar reviews, vocab­u­lary for each top­ic with pro­nun­ci­a­tion and exam­ples. The pro­gram has a read­ing prac­tice sec­tion where books adapt­ed to dif­fer­ent lev­els of Eng­lish knowl­edge are col­lect­ed. Books can be read and lis­tened to. There are also twice-week­ly one-and-a-half-hour online class­es via Zoom with a teacher and a group of 6 – 8 people.

When I joined the class­es, the group was already on the fifth top­ic, so I had to catch up on the ini­tial top­ics of the High Begin­ners lev­el and inte­grate into the group. The group is very diverse: from Tai­wan, Africa, Turkey, sev­er­al peo­ple from Mex­i­co. There’s even one woman from Rus­sia. The age group is most­ly young, and I am the only old­er one. I noticed a pecu­liar fea­ture. We Rus­sians have dif­fi­cul­ty under­stand­ing con­ver­sa­tion­al Eng­lish and speak­ing, but we per­form the tasks well. Many oth­er group mem­bers, on the oth­er hand, have trou­ble read­ing and under­stand­ing gram­mar but speak flu­ent­ly. Although I still have trou­ble under­stand­ing their accents. But the teacher under­stands them. By the way, the teacher is a vol­un­teer, a Mex­i­can who grad­u­at­ed from Ari­zona University.

Today is March 26, 2021. By now, we have com­plet­ed the High Begin­ners lev­el and cov­ered two top­ics of the Low Inter­me­di­ate level.