1st trip

Botanical Garden

The Ari­zona Botan­i­cal Gar­den is the largest out­door col­lec­tion of unique plants from the deserts of the world.

It presents more than 50 thou­sand plant species. And the 37th annu­al sea­son of Lumi­nar­ias was opened on Novem­ber 28. This is an evening event that is very pop­u­lar in Ari­zona and is attend­ed by a large num­ber of peo­ple (there was a line of cars to park in which we spent 30 minutes).

We ordered tick­ets in advance on the Inter­net, and there were no more tick­ets at 10 am, so peo­ple who came with­out tick­ets were turned back. Lumi­nar­ias is when the whole park is dec­o­rat­ed with lights, cac­ti were dec­o­rat­ed with lights, fes­tive events were orga­nized in dif­fer­ent parts of the park, var­i­ous musi­cal groups played in the open. There was Mex­i­can, and folk, and jazz music. We gath­ered almost the whole com­pa­ny that cel­e­brat­ed Thanks­giv­ing (there were 9 chil­dren alone), walked around the park, lis­tened to dif­fer­ent bands, and then set­tled down in the café patio and lis­tened to jazz.

The kids sat at a sep­a­rate table, had a bite to eat and were pre­oc­cu­pied with their iPads. I was sur­prised by the large ammount of peo­ple in wheel­chairs. Wheel­chairs could be bor­rowed at the entrance from the admin­is­tra­tive build­ing for the elder­ly who find it dif­fi­cult to move around, but there were many peo­ple who do not walk.

I real­ly liked the Botan­i­cal Gar­den, I would like to vis­it it in the day­time. I think we’ll def­i­nite­ly go again sometime..

Our rel­a­tives left ear­ly in the morn­ing on Decem­ber 3rd to their win­ter cli­mate (they already have snow and cold in Boston), and after that the weath­er turned bad and today (Decem­ber 4) it rained almost all day.

The week went by with­out much hap­pen­ing. Cooked, baked. Pan­cakes, pan­cakes, pasties, etc. My son-in-law said that since my arrival he has gained 3 kg, but I can’t fat­ten my grand­son, it always seems to me that he is thin, and my daugh­ter and I have lit­tle dis­agree­ments about this 😁.