New school and swimming club
I have 12 days left to visit. At first it seemed that there was a lot of time ahead, but with one month left, the days ran at lightning speed. My grandson started school on August 5th. His parents transferred him to another Basis school, which opened closest to the place where they live.
Getting to know the school.
It’s not far by local standards, but in general, dad takes him by car for 25 – 30 minutes. The school is very small, with children from Kindergarden to fourth grade. On August 3, they all went to school together to meet the teachers, and brought school supplies, everything from erasers to plastic bags. They are given by mail a list of what to bring for each subject, this is all handed over to the school, and then in each class they are given paper, pencils, etc. They bought everything on the list for $200. Loaded the entire trunk (no exaggeration).
At school we were shown all the classrooms, each teacher told about themselves. There was not enough seating in one of the classes, as there were many parents, and the children all plopped down on the floor in front of the blackboard and sat there. Teachers, in my Russian opinion, have such a strange manner of communication, like between friends. There is no distance between the teacher and students, as in our school. For example, a teacher who taught with her grandson at a previous school entered the classroom, saw him, rushed to him — “Hi, high five!” Knocked hand in hand…
And so the school began. Here, holidays begin and end in different states at different times, even in the same city, classes have already begun in some schools, while others have not yet.
Now I stay at home, alone and go to the pool in the morning myself.
Swim team.
The grandson went to school on August 5, and already on August 11, during recess, collided with a girl riding a swing and got a slight concussion. It later turned out that it was light, but at first, when he fell and lost consciousness, and when his parents called from school and they took him to an ambulance, it didn’t seem to us at all that it was light span>. In the ambulance, he immediately underwent a tomography of the head, they said that there was no hemorrhage, and he needed to be observed for 24 hours, if he did not feel sick, then he could go to school.
In the ER, he immediately underwent a tomography of the head, they said that there was no hemorrhage …
We decided to let him recover and not drive him until the end of the week. Good thing he was fully recovered by Saturday. And on Saturday, August 15, a selection was scheduled for the morning of a new swimming club, a member of USA Swimming. This club trains in a swimming pool that is just minutes from the school and it is much better than where it used to go.
For this selection, the grandson was pre-registered several weeks in advance. We arrived at the pool in the morning and did not know how this selection would take place. There were about 50 children of different ages. Everyone was given swimming caps, on which their names were written and distributed to 4 people per lane, and the lanes were distributed according to the age of the children. Several coaches walked along the sides and did a full 45 minute workout with them, gave them the task to swim one style, then another. Then everyone was told good job and promised to send the results of the selection by e‑mail. On the same day, a message came that the grandson was accepted in the swim team.