7th trip

The Arizona State Championship


The Ari­zona State Cham­pi­onship in long-course swim­ming took place in Goodyear. Mark com­pet­ed in the 11 – 12 age group. He per­formed well, win­ning four indi­vid­ual gold medals, two sil­ver medals, and two bronze medals in the relay.

Again, he swam 1500 meters, and I showed him the num­ber of 50-meter laps com­plet­ed. He need­ed to swim 30×50 meters.

After this cham­pi­onship, he will move up to the next age group as he turns 13. In long-course swim­ming, he has already achieved the state stan­dard for 13-year-olds in all the dis­tances he swam. As he told our friends at the begin­ning of the sum­mer when he was still 12: “I’m no longer focus­ing on times for twelve-year-olds.”

He has changed a lot this year, gain­ing strength, grow­ing, and has even caught up to my height. Now, he is one of the top swim­mers in his age group in his club and the entire state, com­pet­ing for top places in all competitions.