4th trip

Attitude towards children

I not­ed a spe­cial atti­tude towards chil­dren. Nobody yells at the chil­dren, doesn’t pull them, either the chil­dren are dif­fer­ent, or the par­ents? Our friends had such a case: at home, their lit­tle daugh­ter threw a tantrum, even with­out spe­cial rea­sons, they didn’t beat her, didn’t scold her. It hap­pens with chil­dren. So the neigh­bors called the police. The police came to find out what was the mat­ter. True, their arrival had a sober­ing effect on the child. Now she is already big, she stud­ies at the uni­ver­si­ty, but since then she has not allowed her­self such antics.

And here, even in adult muse­ums, they try to inter­est chil­dren. We were in the Muse­um of Fine Arts (it is called the Art Muse­um), so there the chil­dren were giv­en a pen­cil and a sheet, which depicts frag­ments of paint­ings, or frag­ments of instal­la­tions and the child must find these frag­ments in the halls of the muse­um . And there was also a room where the child could draw a pic­ture with col­ored pen­cils and attach it to the wall. We laughed that Mark had already exhib­it­ed his paint­ing at the Phoenix Muse­um.

And in the Music Muse­um, the favorite hall of all chil­dren is the hall where you can play var­i­ous musi­cal instru­ments. You can­not touch the exhibits in the entire muse­um, and only in this room take and play what­ev­er you want. And at the entrance to the hall there is a san­i­tiz­er for hand disinfection.