About me



My name is Tatyana. I have spent most of my life in the city of Ros­tov-on-Don. I was born there, stud­ied and worked as a pro­gram­mer. Now I am retired, I am over 60 years old.

After I retired, I vis­it­ed my chil­dren in the US sev­er­al times and took notes about my trav­els. At the end of 2021, I moved to my chil­dren for per­ma­nent residence.

I now live with my daugh­ter, son-in-law and grand­son in Ari­zona. I do house­keep­ing, bake deli­cious sour­dough bread for fun, grow egg­plants and radish­es in the yard and learn Eng­lish at the same time. I real­ly like to attend swim­ming com­pe­ti­tions in which my grand­son par­tic­i­pates. He is a mem­ber of a swim­ming club and recent­ly became an Ari­zona cham­pi­on at his age.

When my kids have free time, we trav­el. I keep writ­ing notes on every­thing about this. Although my blog is main­ly about trav­el, I also intend to write about my oth­er hob­bies that I men­tioned above. Maybe even my daugh­ter and son-in-law will add something.

Wel­come to my blog to any­one inter­est­ed in learn­ing about my life expe­ri­ence in the USA. Share your impres­sions in the com­ments, and if you have any ques­tions or sug­ges­tions, use the con­tact form.

Sin­cere­ly, T.S.